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Puppytron: the News of Ryan Hipp


This is a preview of the new bunny-themed website. More to come soon.


Bubbashelby said...

Nice rabbit!

Hi Ryan, thanks for stopping by my blog!

Oh and that Eternia playset ain't worth a dime. You're better off just tossing it - in fact I'll be by soon to dispose of it for you at no charge! (cuz I'm cool like that ;) )

But on a serious note, it sounds like you and your wife have some awesome toys! You guys should do a photo shoot and guest blog at Toyriffic!

Ryan said...

Haha. Darn it. Well, I should probably give you some money for gas too, and if there is any recycle fees. ;-)

Good idea about the photos. We have so many that we can't even display them, so maybe doing a guest spot would be a good way to get them out in the open!

Nice to "meet" you.